10 things you should never tell a pregnant woman

“Wow, you look huge!” or any comment on her size: Avoid making remarks about the woman’s size, whether it’s big or small. Pregnancy can already make a woman feel self-conscious about her body, and such comments can be hurtful.
  1. “Are you sure you’re not having twins?”: Implying that a woman looks larger than expected can be embarrassing and insensitive. Trust that her healthcare provider is monitoring her pregnancy appropriately.
  2. “You must be so excited to finally eat whatever you want!”: Pregnancy is not a free pass to indulge in unhealthy foods. It’s essential to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet for the well-being of both the mother and the baby.

  3. “Sleep now while you can because you won’t get any sleep when the baby arrives!”: Sleep deprivation is a common challenge for new parents, but emphasizing this to a pregnant woman can increase anxiety and disrupt her sleep even further.

  4. “You should have a natural birth – it’s the best for the baby.”: The birth plan should be a personal decision between the woman and her healthcare provider. Each woman’s circumstances and preferences are unique, and it’s essential to respect her choices.
  5. “Aren’t you too young/old to be having a baby?”: Age-related comments can be hurtful and judgmental. Women choose to start their families at different stages in life, and it’s essential to support their decisions.

  6. “You look tired. Are you sure you’re up for this?”: Pregnancy can be physically and emotionally demanding, and the woman might be going through various challenges. Instead of pointing out her fatigue, offer your support and assistance.

  7. “I had such a terrible birth experience – let me tell you all about it!”: Sharing horror stories about childbirth can instill unnecessary fear in an expectant mother. It’s better to offer positive and encouraging stories or let her ask questions if she’s curious.

  8. “Are you sure you can handle being a mother?”: Doubting a woman’s ability to be a good mother can be hurtful and disrespectful. Parenting comes with challenges, but offering encouragement and support is more helpful.
  9. “You’ll never get your body back after pregnancy.”: Body image concerns are common during pregnancy and postpartum. Avoiding any comments about the woman’s post-baby body can help promote a positive body image during this transformative time.

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